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View over the central lawn The Singing Theatre from 1895
View over the pond to the Roman TempleThe Larmer Tree Gardens (part of the Rushmore Estate) are in Southwest Wiltshire, close to the border to Dorset. They were created in 1880 by General Pitt Rivers for the enjoyment and education of his estate workers. It contains a unique collection of buildings: A Roman Temple (left & right), an Open Air Theatre (above right) and various colonial buildings. Below right you can see the Lower Indian Room View of the Roman Temple through an alleyfrom 1897. The theatre is still used for regular concerts, in particular on Sunday afternoons. Hedges create several alleys and enclosed gardens, with several statues in various places. You will also see various pheasants and peacocks, although they proved difficult to photograph, so I can't offer you any pictures of them.
A statue in Larmer Tree Gardens View of the Lower Indian Room at Larmer Tree Gardens