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Kilchiaran Bay approached from Portnahaven Kilchiaran Bay seen from the chapel
Kilchiaran Chapel (well, what's left of it) Kilchiaran Bay and Kilchiaran Chapel are slightly hidden on the west coast of the Rhinns of Islay. You need to take the single track road from either Port Charlotte or Portnahaven. If you drive from Portnahaven you can also stop by at Tormisdale Croft.
There's not much left of Kilchiaran Chapel, just the walls, a few graveslabs and what I believe to be a baptismal font.
But it's the atmosphere which makes it special, it's so remote and lonely (if you ignore the farm, which you can't see any more when you get down to the beach).
A baptismal font (at least I think it's one) in Kilchiaran Chapel A graveslab in Kilchiaran Chapel